Anger: Life
Regular readers know that I am very much Pro-Life and that I arrived at that position from a secular viewpoint, not because a preacher told to that I would got to hell if I came to a different point of view. In fact, I cringe when I see the Pro-Life extremists using religious arguments and disgusting photos because I think that this sets back the cause much more than it advances it. It is true that you can’t move someone off a position using reason when they did not reach that position through reason.
I understand many of the arguments of the Pro-Choice lobby; I just reject them as being weaker than the Pro-Life arguments.
The banner in this photo (stolen from Zombie) uses one argument that just makes my blood boil.
Is there really an aborted baby that isn't desperately wanted by someone? Maybe it is unwanted by the birth-mother, but is it truly unwanted?
I am an adoptive father and I am here to tell you that there are parents without children that want a baby so bad that it HURTS. These parents are willing to endure the humiliating process of marketing themselves to birth-mothers and spend tens of thousands of dollars just to get in a catalog of prospective parents with no guarantee of anything. These people hope and pray for someone to make the decision to bring a baby to term instead of killing it.
Every time an abortion is performed, 1 heart is stopped and 2 are broken.
(HT: Dean)
Update: Open Trackback Party is HERE.
Linked to: Stuck on Stupid, Stop the ACLU and Right Wing Nation.