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Saturday, February 25, 2006 

Pride: Open Trackbacks

Open Trackback Post.

What is this all about? From the Open Trackback Alliance FAQ:

The entire concept is to encourage bloggers to showcase their best recent articles on other blogs which may not otherwise recognize or know about their works.
Open Trackback Alliance members have agreed to create an open article at least once a week, which anyone can create a link to their own blog articles...

So, if you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here, or check out basil’s post about TrackBacks here. If your blog can't generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.

(Much of the text of this post is a direct ripoff of basil)

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Praise for The 7 Deadly Sins

"I have to admit that you do sloth like nobody's business."
- tee bee
"omg...you're even nerdier than my bf. That's hawt."
- trouble
"Not everybody remembers the glow of green text on black monitor with fondness"
- cathyf
"That's just crazy talk"
- tee bee
"Holy crap! Where's the ACLU pukes this time?"
- justanothermngirl
"Quick, edit these before anyone sees them!"
- Chris
"See? Getting old isn't all bad."
- David
"Best wishes to my Blog Brother."
- Retired Geezer
"Congratulations to one sinner from another."
- basil
"I just sic them on punks like that like a couple of pitbulls."
- digitalbrownshirt
"I hate to say anything negative about someone I've never met (OK, that's a lie), but that guy is a $#@*& idiot."
- John from WuzzaDem

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