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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 

Anger: RINO

RINOs support this guy?

Specter, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, said at a news conference Monday in Harrisburg it was "vindictive and inappropriate" for the league and the Eagles to forbid the star wide receiver from playing and prevent other teams from talking to him.

"It's a restraint of trade for them to do that, and the thought crosses my mind, it might be a violation of antitrust laws," Specter said.
Since when do Republicans, even in name only, reflexively seek a Big Government solution to every problem? Especially problems that they don't know (or care about) the details...
"The arbitrator's decision is consistent with our collective bargaining agreement, and it simply enforced the terms of the player's contract," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said.
Do we really need the Senator's nose in the internal workings of the NFL?

BTW: Note to the Eagles: I am available for deactivation with pay! I expect the phone to ring... any... minute... now...

Update: Looks like the Llamas agree with a bit more of an edge.

Update II: The Senator backs off
"I think it's more a matter for them than us because we've got ... a lot of matters which take precedence over this for our own time," said Specter, R-Pa.
Translation: I went stupid and I am sick of hearing about it.

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